Why You Should Get Your Teeth Removed.

Why You Should Get Your Teeth Removed.

Oct 01, 2021

There are several reasons why a tooth would need to be removed, which could be due to oral trauma, or teeth decay, or simply for cosmetic reasons. It can be particularly necessary for the pediatric age group too.

The removal of one or more teeth, including their roots in a painless manner and with minimal trauma to the surrounding tissues to avoid post-operative complications and uneventful healing is a cosmetic surgery known as tooth extraction.
Reading this article further would help you understand the process, why it’s necessary, and what to do after an extraction.

Why Should Get Your Teeth Removed?

Some of the reasons described below have necessitated people to visit dentists to get their teeth removed

  • A decay or deep infection to one or more teeth causing pain and discomfort
  • Sports trauma or injury to the teeth
  • Wisdom teeth, which are also called third molars, are usually extracted either before or after they start to form.

Dr. Lotfi provides both emergency and elective tooth extractions if you need a Dentist in 22191, or you need a Dentist in Woodbridge VA. You can also check local listings to search for a dentist near you.

How Does A Tooth Extraction Feel Like?

The first thing is to decide to visit a dentist near you for a complete evaluation and examination. You’d need to call the dental team and make a consultation with your dentist. It is best to always call on the dental office at the time you start feeling discomfort, and not wait before it becomes complicated. An acute case might require the removal of just one tooth, but a complex procedure might involve the extraction of one or more teeth and might mean you’d need further surgery to get a dental implant.

What happens first before a tooth is removed is that your dentist will thoroughly review your medical and dental history and then will take appropriate oral X-rays. The X-rays reveal the length, shape, and position of the tooth and surrounding bone with this information central to determining the best way to remove the tooth or whether to refer you to an oral surgeon or orthodontist.

Two types of extractions can be done:

The removal of a tooth that is still visible. Here, the dentist numbs the tooth and gum tissue and then loosens the tooth with an instrument called an elevator before removing it with dental forceps. This is known as a simple extraction.

A surgical extraction on the other hand is a more complex procedure used for a tooth that may have broken off at the gum line or has not come into the mouth yet. Oral surgeons usually perform surgical extractions.

What To Do After A Tooth Extraction.

After you have had your tooth extracted, you will need to take care of your mouth so you can recover and heal faster.

Dentists in Woodbridge recommend that to minimize pain, ensure that you take all the prescribed medicine as directed, and reduce swelling, you can put an ice pack on your cheek near the extraction site and apply for 5-10 minutes.

Below are some other things to do to help you heal faster:

Eating a diet of soft, healthy foods and snacks and also drinking of plenty liquids.

Ensure that you brush your teeth gently and also avoid brushing around the extraction. It’s advised that you don’t use any toothpaste as rinsing toothpaste from your mouth may dislodge the blood clot.

On the other hand, below are some things to avoid while you’re healing:

Don’t drink with a straw as sucking on a straw may dislodge the blood clot.

Don’t drink hot liquids as they have been found to increase swelling.

Our dental office in Woodbridge, VA 22191 provides professional dental implant treatment & all kinds of general and cosmetic dental services near you at Woodbridge Comfort Dental Care and residents of the following neighborhoods:

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